It’s no secret that the main platform for promoting companies in the last few years is the Internet. It is on the web that you can relatively quickly and easily find the target audience, tell about yourself to the greatest number of potential customers at the same time. Everyone, even very new brand, should have a website, because it opens up great possibilities for the implementation of different PR-strategies.
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Go to Logo MakerIt is important that the company’s resource is not just found by a search engine on the appropriate request, but also hit the top of the extradition. This can be achieved by mastering and applying SEO-optimization methods.
Table of Contents
Why does a brand site need SEO?
- To attract the target audience (potential consumers of the company’s services) to the site.
- To increase sales and, therefore, profits.
- To improve reputation and ranking among competitors.
There are millions of queries on the web every day: people are looking for various products, services, useful information and more. In fact, SEO-optimization helps instantly respond to the appropriate request and offer its own solution to the problem.
For example, a user types the phrase “Create a logo” into the browser search box and gets a few dozen results from companies willing to provide such services: the potential client only has to compare offers and make a choice.
The purpose of
The purpose of using SEO – to raise your online resource as high as possible in extradition, to understand the principles of search engine algorithms and the peculiarities of ranking sites. Agree, the user is more likely to open the first 3-5 responses, than will consider the proposals, which are on the 50-60 lines.
Let’s say at once that search engine algorithms change frequently, but this is not a reason to abandon seo-promotion. To advance to the top and consolidate their positions is realistic, even for a small company.
The most popular search engines in Russia are Google and Yandex: it is on them that we should focus when developing a seo plan.
Google’s algorithms are extremely complex. The basic principles of operation:
- search for pages containing relevant, quality information that responds to specific queries;
- determination of relevance. In other words, based on the volume and quality of keywords, the system checks whether the content is relevant to what users are looking for;
- counting the number and evaluation of other web pages linking to your site.
Google also pays attention to parameters such as:
- The characteristics of guests’ interaction with the site: how long do they stay on the site, do they find the information they want, do they surf other pages in search of interesting materials?
- speed of resource loading, its ability to adapt to devices with different screen resolutions (smartphones, tablets);
- the amount of original content (own, not borrowed from competitors or themselves).
In general, Yandex algorithms are similar to Google systems, but there are still a few differences. Thus, Yandex is important:
- the presence of “affiliates” of the site in social networks and on YouTube – are reposts made? are publications discussed? etc.;
- HTML length;
- the volume of internal links, etc.
There is no great need to go into the details of how the algorithms work, because there are reliable methods of SEO-optimization, effective even when there are significant changes in the systems.
Seo-optimization of the company website: basic steps

Consider the steps of seo-optimization to promote a brand website.
Defining the target audience and competitors
- Who are the people who need your products?
- How do they formulate Internet queries?
- What is important to them?
- Why do they go to a competitor instead of using your services?
- What do your competitors offer that makes your target audience go to them?
The answers to these questions are important not only for SEO, but also for business development in general.
Try to compose a few queries on the topic of your business yourself, ask your acquaintances about it, ask them: “What would you write in the browser search engine if you needed a logo/bouquet of sweets/package of milk?” (Here you should work through the query on your topic). Write down your answers – they will come in handy in the future.
Take out the answer sheet from the previous paragraph – their time has come
Now it is easier to use keyword prompting tools (such as Wordstat from Yandex or Serpstat) – enter what you know. The task at this stage is not difficult – to gather as many relevant keywords and phrases. By the way, if the site has been operating for some time, use the tools for tracking statistics for queries (there are both Yandex and Google).
Identification and inclusion of keywords in the texts of publications
Here we need to understand: what is the target query the company is ready to answer in the form of a service? Probably, the request “make a logo in Moscow” suits you, while “free logo in png” or “make a logo in 1 minute” – no, because you do not offer such solutions now.
Here, let’s pay attention to the format of the request: does anyone at all write in the search box the phrase in this way? The more people formulate their query this way, the more chances to meet both sides – the consumer of the service and its performer.
Seo-optimization of each page
The list of keywords should be implemented in the content placed on the pages of the site. You should not use absolutely all keywords in one material – it will not bring benefit, on the contrary, it may cause blocking.
Divide queries into groups, for each category should create a content where its elements (keywords) will fit organically. Before publication, any material should be separately optimized – competently fill in the basic components of the page to attract the attention of the target audience.
Elements of SEO-optimization

Title is the tag through which search engines understand what the page is about. Title recognizes queries, for which the page appears in search results. This is where the main keywords should be: the main thing is not to go too far, so as not to get into a ban. Using 1-2 “keywords” is usually safe.
Do not confuse Title with the title of the page: Title is visible only in the search results of the browser and may differ significantly from the title.
For Google, the optimal length of Title - 55-60 characters, for Yandex - 65-70.
Basic requirements for Title – to respond to the request and be understandable (a simple, common wording and case correspondence – “Make a logo of the company in Moscow,” rather than “Logo of the company to do Moscow”).
Description – additional information about your site, which appears in search engines below Title. This little description should be interesting: a couple of sentences to attract the attention of the audience, to convince, to whet the desire to go to a page with full text. There are no clear rules on the composition of Description, but it is not necessary to greatly exceed the volume of 200 characters.
The content of the page is important as well as competent filling Title and Description. When filling the site content should not forget about the originality and size of the materials.
As a rule, search engines give greater preference to pages with more than 300-400 words.
A lot of small pages with short publications of 100-200 words, as well as various “duplicates” (the same text with different Title and Description) have a negative impact on the promotion of the resource: the growth of positions in the output will be very slow.
Pay attention to the number of ads on the pages: it should not be much. It is important that banners do not interfere with the reading of the main text, were not too bright, not flashing – search engines do not allow such pages on high positions. A smaller chance to move also leaves a large number of design elements, without which you can do: the site should not look overloaded.
The function “share on social networks” seems something outdated, but in reality such a button is of great importance for the seo-promotion of the brand site. Choose relevant social networks (VKontakte, Odnoklassniki, Telegram, etc.) and add appropriate tools to the most popular pages.
Description to images. At first glance, this is not really necessary: what the author wanted to say by choosing this or that picture, as a rule, is obvious. In fact, a brief description of the graphic element increases the position of the page in search results. In addition, it is useful when users for some reason not fully loaded page – through it becomes clear what visual component is complemented by a narrative.
URL is desirable to make the site as simple and short as possible. Do not try to fit as many keywords as possible: the more compact the link, the less likely that it will be mistakenly cut. Without the absolute necessity, try not to change the URL, even if it is “ugly” – this can have a negative impact on future promotion.
Relinking – links to other pages on your own site have a positive effect on the ranking, as search engines consider them to be evidence of reliability and authority. Link to earlier materials in new publications: it increases the time the user is on your site, which has a positive effect on statistics.
Links to your site on the pages of other resources also increase the level of trust: Yandex and Google pay attention to this indicator. If third-party sites do not link to your portal, the likelihood to appear in the top lines of results is minimal.
For those who are just beginning their journey in seo, the best solution will be an environmentally friendly increase in link mass by publishing useful content – do not use aggressive methods: if the search engine detects them, it will worsen the position of the site in prominence, or block the entire resource. Do not forget to give links to materials from the site in emails and posts on social networks: this positively affects the rating.
The best option is to monitor the volume of online sales and analyze organic traffic (how many people visited this or that page of the portal, how they found it, etc.). You can do this with the help of many free analytics tools (for example, Yandex.Metrika, Google Analytics).
Regularly monitor the results of seo-promotion.
The world of seo-promotion is huge and varied. Do not try to cover everything at once in the beginning: start with any one aspect, move forward in it and periodically add new tools. Do not be afraid to take the first steps, remember the importance of geographical linkage, and the brand site will gradually begin to increase its audience, and, therefore, will help to increase sales!

I’m a product and graphic designer with 10-years background. Writing about branding, logo creation and business.