Uma das decisões mais importantes que você toma ao criar uma marca é a criação de um logotipo. Independentemente da exibição de seu logotipo, online ou offline, seu logotipo ainda precisa se tornar um cartão de visita. O que você escolhe neste estágio tem grandes chances de atendê-lo bem ou bem, tornando-se associado à sua marca e aos seus produtos.
Crie seu próprio logotipo com o criador de logotipo Turbologo. Leva menos de 5 minutos e nenhuma habilidade de design é necessária.
Criar logo onlinePor onde começamos? A primeira coisa é pesquisar e avaliar os logotipos de suas marcas e empresas favoritas na área de trabalho. Dê uma olhada no que outras pessoas têm, inspire-se e crie um logotipo perfeito. Aqui estão 20 páginas do Instagram, sites e aplicativos de cores que podem ajudá-lo a fazer seu logotipo adquirir uma identidade e ter sucesso em se tornar uma ferramenta duradoura, memorável e poderosa para sua empresa, marca ou start-up.

Dribble is popular amongst freelancers and people who look for inspiration. You can share your works there, look for gigs or looking for designers to help you with your task. You can comment, ask questions about design and art and discuss similar matters.

Behance is a place where people from around the world share their artworks. There are a lot of young logo designers. But if you’re looking for some art energy or inspiration, that’s a place for you! Be careful and don’t get lost in the endless library of art.

On Designspiration designers look for logos using keywords and phrases. Go there for specific art insights.
Brand New by UnderConsideration

Brand New can help you understand more about logo history. They share stories and facts. They also describe how the creative processes work (and worked before), so if you are curious, check this out.
Vintage Logos

Vintage Logos is a perfect platform to read about design history. They feature old logos from different books. This one is more for people deeply interested in design but still can be interesting for people willing to be inspired.
Logo Design Love

Logo Design Love is the first place where you should go to learn about how the brand logos that we all know were created. Some of them took years, some were created in a minute. Check out the page to learn more.

Logospire suggests some kind of a scrollable feed with lots of different logos. You can look at endless designs and check out every creator’s web site (they are featured next to the artwork) if you feel interested in a specific one.
Instagrams perfectly illustrates how a logo can reflect the overall style of a company or product, working to create a recognizable image. The account shows how really good logos made by professionals perform their functions in the real world.

Another popular account featuring interesting ideas and logos is Logoimport. The audience of the profile is quite active, so if you want to see live feedback on the various options for logos (or express your opinion), then you should check it out. It should be interesting to those who like to talk about styles, shapes, colors and other aspects of design.

Logoseum is the creation of Matt Corbin, a really famous in the field visual designer. This is a large archive of vivid pictorial and abstract logo samples from different times. If you need more inspiration, the page shares the most important info about the logos: years, names and some history as well. Flat design is mostly featured there.

Logo place shares works of digital artists from different parts of the (net)world. The works are mostly created using Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, and several other tools. The hosts are also into making logos and, judging by the page, they are doing great at it.

The account helps to find inspiration in logos and their creation to almost 120,000 followers. The guys share the latest trends in the web design sphere. They also share some redesigning of old logo works. If the muse has left you, she must be hiding in one of their posts.

If you are just starting to create logos (as the name implies) you should try following Learn Logo Design. Also, if you are looking for inspiration in the basics, this is the right place. It is also possible that you are a person who owns a small business that is at the stage of creating a logo. The profile shows the process of design creation which should help you better understand the result that you would like to see.

A historical collection of logos. Many of them are associated with the 70s and 80s. All posts are made in the same style (on a black background), which helps not to get distracted from the main thing – logos. Be careful, these lines and curves may have a hypnotic affect.

Their motto is “Unlock a world of creativity”. And that’s so true! Logo Room – a place for those who are in love with logos and sees the world through their prism. And just look at how they portray animals. A work of art, no doubt.

Brandon Nicks is a freelance graphic designer in New York City. His sense of color, form, and word greatly amazes the audience. The works give a feeling of spaciousness – a paradise for the perfectionist’s eyes.
Color tools

Brand colors – a resource where you can find colors that are used by major brands. This is a great place to sort out famous logos that inspire you. (You can click on a color to copy the HEX code).
Adobe Color CC

It is also a color scheme. If you have Adobe Creative Cloud, you can save it directly in Adobe Illustrator or Photoshop. It’s also useful.

This is a color scheme generator integrated with Adobe, but you can also find special applications for iOS and Google Chrome Extention. The application is easy to use. There is a subscription fee but there are some actions that you can perform for free if you need it.

Colourcode is a more flexible tool. Just move the cursor around the screen to change the color. After that you can see a HEX code at the bottom of the screen.
Color Supply

Here you will find information on using and mixing colors and interesting color schemes used by designers. Also, when choosing a color, the program will tell you which combinations will be most successful. If you scroll down, you can see the HEX codes.